Thursday 11 July 2019

Introduction to myself

             My name is Ho Shoaw Tung. I am currently a student at UCSI University studying electrical and electronic engineering in my junior year.  I was born in born in village called Kuching. It is located in the Sarawak state of Malaysia. However i have lived my life and adapted in Brunei Darussalam. It is located on the Northern cost of Island of Borneo.  I would also like to tell something about my family. My family are also from Kuching. My mother is a housewife while my father is working as a general contractor. They are both a nice and friendly people and would often like to talk with new people. They have often support me to ensure that i would achieve my goals in my own way. My educations aspirations could provide me a necessary achievements into attaining a necessary skillls to attain my career goals as firmware engineer or electronic engineer. It has always been my passions ever since when i was still a student in high school in Brunei Darussalam. I am often fascinated by the systems that are running in an electronic devices which are often run under the abstract layers which are created by software. On the other hand, it could also allow me to achieve my career visions that would improve communities standard of lives such as mobile phones, vehicles. In my own time, i would often try to find a time to play games and watch movies. Sometimes, i would go out and hang with my friends in order to pass the time.


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Five sentences in your native language and translate into English

Five sentences in my native language and translate into English 我想吃 = i want to eat 明天会有活动=there will be event tomorrow 你好吗?= how are you...