Tuesday 6 August 2019

The importance of privacy, security, legal and green computing awareness for society

      It has been evident, that in the modern times, people would rely on their computing devices that would solve the problems and make their lives easier, hence that would create an effective way of delivering their required results in a faster way. By using a traditional methods, people have often took a longer time to finish their task can be saved by the usage of computers. More ever, an individual would be able to easily close deals or sign online via electronic devices in any locations while spending their own desired time.  In this essay,  i would describe an importance of privacy, security, legal and green computing awareness for society. In my opinions, these are the fundamental changes that been a brought a significant that have been major factor that contributes to the economy and society.

           Privacy has included a lot of rights or certain privacy which would take into account of storing , purposing, provision of third parties, especially it could display a data that would be relevant to oneself by means of internet. It is often vital to have a privacy, as it would protect a certain individuals from being accessed by an authorized users. For example, if a certain user is establishing their own websites in the internet, that person would want to protect their individual folders that contain confidential data from getting accessed by certain visitors. The user is able to set up a configuration files and indicate the level of accessibility for the folders. Privacy often allows us to justify oneself, as they do not have to consume unnecessary times to find the data and that person will be able to use the data anytime. Privacy is often perceived as sensitive to individual which could affect reputations. Privacy would often allow a person to exercise power over information about themselves. If the data is leaked to the wrong hand of a person. It could damage unnecessary reputations about the individuals and would cause great harms.

         Computer security has been stated as a certain protection of information systems from theft or damages that may arise. It would also cause a damage to hardware, software, or data on them, including interference to services that are being delivered. Moreover, the importance of computer security can prevent an important data theft such as credit card information which could cause a firm a millions of dollars. Data that is being presented in computer can be misused by intruders. It is often a safe way to browse a websites that include HTTPS. A security such as anti virus could protect the firm from a malware attack that could cause a crash to the computer operating system. Though there is a cost in getting an antivirus, its feature is to identify and protect the data from malware attacks that cause could a crash to the operating system. A staff should be trained regular in order ensure majority of the security is taking place such as setting up login credentials, a proper instructions of a website lits that should not be enter, thus prevent a mishaps from happening.

         Legals law has been around the society which has been enforced throughout the governmental institutions in order to regulate behaviors. It is consider to be a system that regulates and to allow the individuals or communities to stick to the will of the country. Its uniformity and conviction provides a smooth path that would allow the communities to feel safe in the street. The procedure for the law usually has its own benefits that would protect human rights, or resolve disputes to ensure that communities have a peaceful place to live in. it usually serves as an understand so everyone could understand what can be done. A certain copyright protection which is intellectual property falls under the category among the Copyright Act in US. For example, a blogger or youtuber has to understand that the videos content that is being published are not plagiarized. Legal law often protects us from the humiliation or immorality. For example, if Kelvin from a community decides to defame John, Kelvin is able to utilized with the rules of law and sue back. Hence the person being held will be accountable for the actions and get detained if Kelvin is considered guilty under the court of law.

Green computing
       Green computer has been known as a a part of study of designing, manufacturing, utilization and disposal of an electronic items that would decrease environmental impact hence an eco-friendly way of using a electronic devices. People have started to understand that as most of the times contain toxic materials which would affect the health. Therefore, governments from certain countries would implement a law that would ensure that the products that are being produces are environmental friendly which can keep environment safes. Green computing often consumes less power compared to the old models. Display technologies known as electronic paper often doesn't require any powers when showing an image. Knowing this, to have green computer system in the firm would allow the customers to know that the firm is trying to do good deeds that increase brand and company images since they would do anything to decrease hazardous materials. Some firms try to replace their materials with recycling materials that often needs to be manufactured, which would other save energy and emissions. 

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