Tuesday 6 August 2019

My suggestions to improve the course

     UCSI has always been a comprehensive university that offers wide range of courses in their campus. The range of disciplines that is being offered are medicine, pharmacy, engineering IT, applied sciences, business, architecture, music, social sciences, creative arts, hospitality, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It has cater to a number growing of students and there will be more academic programmes being offered in the future. Policy makers from the ministry of education have always ensure that the university is responsible for the compulsory education that is taking place. The purpose for the blog is for me to write a suitable suggestions that can be deem helpful to the university and improve the course.

       It is often seen as plausible for the UCSI university to improve the teaching standard or learning practices that have been taking place. Part of the improvement process is that lecturers should post the necessary syllabus, contents and tips on the websites that would allow the students to know an upcoming topics before heading to the classroom. Students are able to understand the context effectively this way as they would identify, evaluate and estimate the type of questions that could come up. Instructors are also able to provide a frequent interactions that can be responsive to the students' needs when necessary. Lecturer is able to response in time to the questions need whenever students are preparing for the exam. Moreover, students and lecturers are able to communicate with other and discuss its content via online communication applications such as Whatsapp. Learning resources such as videos can deem to be helpful as it would allow the students to understand the topic betters. Another way to improve the course is to increase the number of practical exercises as the students are able to identify the type of questions that would appear in the exams.

     In additions, university facilities should be upgraded to meet the current standard academic requirements. In the existing electrical laboratory, facilities and the equipment should be taken properly to ensure that students are able to use the equipment properly. There should be a proper notice that states the rules of  using the laboratory to ensure that equipment are being used in a proper manner. Motivation is also part of the learning engagement that would create a positive education environment. UCSI university should provide a necessary relaxing environment that would create a positive vibe around the atmosphere such as the walls of the classroom should be painted yellow. Yellow colour is often associated with the colour of sunshine, hope and happiness. There has been a great number of study research that shows a great joy or happiness can have a powerful influence towards our study. It would at least increase the student's motivations towards education achievements

      In conclusions, a suggestion of a learning process is deem vital and would continue to be such in the future.  With an adequate suggestions, it should be deem enough to provide a necessary improvements.

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