Tuesday 6 August 2019

Five sentences in your native language and translate into English

Five sentences in my native language and translate into English
我想吃 = i want to eat
明天会有活动=there will be event tomorrow
你好吗?=how are you?
我很高兴见到你=i'm glad to see you
你很漂亮=you are preety

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My suggestions to improve the course

     UCSI has always been a comprehensive university that offers wide range of courses in their campus. The range of disciplines that is being offered are medicine, pharmacy, engineering IT, applied sciences, business, architecture, music, social sciences, creative arts, hospitality, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It has cater to a number growing of students and there will be more academic programmes being offered in the future. Policy makers from the ministry of education have always ensure that the university is responsible for the compulsory education that is taking place. The purpose for the blog is for me to write a suitable suggestions that can be deem helpful to the university and improve the course.

       It is often seen as plausible for the UCSI university to improve the teaching standard or learning practices that have been taking place. Part of the improvement process is that lecturers should post the necessary syllabus, contents and tips on the websites that would allow the students to know an upcoming topics before heading to the classroom. Students are able to understand the context effectively this way as they would identify, evaluate and estimate the type of questions that could come up. Instructors are also able to provide a frequent interactions that can be responsive to the students' needs when necessary. Lecturer is able to response in time to the questions need whenever students are preparing for the exam. Moreover, students and lecturers are able to communicate with other and discuss its content via online communication applications such as Whatsapp. Learning resources such as videos can deem to be helpful as it would allow the students to understand the topic betters. Another way to improve the course is to increase the number of practical exercises as the students are able to identify the type of questions that would appear in the exams.

     In additions, university facilities should be upgraded to meet the current standard academic requirements. In the existing electrical laboratory, facilities and the equipment should be taken properly to ensure that students are able to use the equipment properly. There should be a proper notice that states the rules of  using the laboratory to ensure that equipment are being used in a proper manner. Motivation is also part of the learning engagement that would create a positive education environment. UCSI university should provide a necessary relaxing environment that would create a positive vibe around the atmosphere such as the walls of the classroom should be painted yellow. Yellow colour is often associated with the colour of sunshine, hope and happiness. There has been a great number of study research that shows a great joy or happiness can have a powerful influence towards our study. It would at least increase the student's motivations towards education achievements

      In conclusions, a suggestion of a learning process is deem vital and would continue to be such in the future.  With an adequate suggestions, it should be deem enough to provide a necessary improvements.

The importance of privacy, security, legal and green computing awareness for society

      It has been evident, that in the modern times, people would rely on their computing devices that would solve the problems and make their lives easier, hence that would create an effective way of delivering their required results in a faster way. By using a traditional methods, people have often took a longer time to finish their task can be saved by the usage of computers. More ever, an individual would be able to easily close deals or sign online via electronic devices in any locations while spending their own desired time.  In this essay,  i would describe an importance of privacy, security, legal and green computing awareness for society. In my opinions, these are the fundamental changes that been a brought a significant that have been major factor that contributes to the economy and society.

           Privacy has included a lot of rights or certain privacy which would take into account of storing , purposing, provision of third parties, especially it could display a data that would be relevant to oneself by means of internet. It is often vital to have a privacy, as it would protect a certain individuals from being accessed by an authorized users. For example, if a certain user is establishing their own websites in the internet, that person would want to protect their individual folders that contain confidential data from getting accessed by certain visitors. The user is able to set up a configuration files and indicate the level of accessibility for the folders. Privacy often allows us to justify oneself, as they do not have to consume unnecessary times to find the data and that person will be able to use the data anytime. Privacy is often perceived as sensitive to individual which could affect reputations. Privacy would often allow a person to exercise power over information about themselves. If the data is leaked to the wrong hand of a person. It could damage unnecessary reputations about the individuals and would cause great harms.

         Computer security has been stated as a certain protection of information systems from theft or damages that may arise. It would also cause a damage to hardware, software, or data on them, including interference to services that are being delivered. Moreover, the importance of computer security can prevent an important data theft such as credit card information which could cause a firm a millions of dollars. Data that is being presented in computer can be misused by intruders. It is often a safe way to browse a websites that include HTTPS. A security such as anti virus could protect the firm from a malware attack that could cause a crash to the computer operating system. Though there is a cost in getting an antivirus, its feature is to identify and protect the data from malware attacks that cause could a crash to the operating system. A staff should be trained regular in order ensure majority of the security is taking place such as setting up login credentials, a proper instructions of a website lits that should not be enter, thus prevent a mishaps from happening.

         Legals law has been around the society which has been enforced throughout the governmental institutions in order to regulate behaviors. It is consider to be a system that regulates and to allow the individuals or communities to stick to the will of the country. Its uniformity and conviction provides a smooth path that would allow the communities to feel safe in the street. The procedure for the law usually has its own benefits that would protect human rights, or resolve disputes to ensure that communities have a peaceful place to live in. it usually serves as an understand so everyone could understand what can be done. A certain copyright protection which is intellectual property falls under the category among the Copyright Act in US. For example, a blogger or youtuber has to understand that the videos content that is being published are not plagiarized. Legal law often protects us from the humiliation or immorality. For example, if Kelvin from a community decides to defame John, Kelvin is able to utilized with the rules of law and sue back. Hence the person being held will be accountable for the actions and get detained if Kelvin is considered guilty under the court of law.

Green computing
       Green computer has been known as a a part of study of designing, manufacturing, utilization and disposal of an electronic items that would decrease environmental impact hence an eco-friendly way of using a electronic devices. People have started to understand that as most of the times contain toxic materials which would affect the health. Therefore, governments from certain countries would implement a law that would ensure that the products that are being produces are environmental friendly which can keep environment safes. Green computing often consumes less power compared to the old models. Display technologies known as electronic paper often doesn't require any powers when showing an image. Knowing this, to have green computer system in the firm would allow the customers to know that the firm is trying to do good deeds that increase brand and company images since they would do anything to decrease hazardous materials. Some firms try to replace their materials with recycling materials that often needs to be manufactured, which would other save energy and emissions. 

Sunday 4 August 2019

The evolution of internet and web authorization

      It has been evident, at the modern times, people have spent majority of their times on the internets. It has been agreed that even though the internet usage have risen dramatically as the accessible for the communications are available over the world. It would eventually have an detrimental effects on the type of social interactions that are taking place. Internet has been known as a type of global computer network which brings forth a type of information, data, communication facilities available which will be made up of global networks via standardized communication protocols. During the mid 1990's, it has always been a famous form of telecommunication for anyone who's using the computer. Initially it was designed as a medium to for a United states research scientists for their purpose for communications. It has never been a secret that it had been been a part of people's lives.

      In 1969, the 1st ever message was dispatch from one computer to the other via APRANET. It was a computer that was used only by the governments network during that time. It was stand for "The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. An organisation called National Science Foundation was assuming responsibilities for the connection of the users from APRANET, which had been disassemble in 1990. Internet has grew so far that, majority of the people from legal system was unprepared at the time. In the same year, the first appearance of world wide web was made, that caused the internet to be famous. It was known as a type of multimedia interface which grants transferal of data known as web pages. It was the same browsers that majority of the people had been using till this day such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Chrome. Till these days, it have been providing a means for people to retrieve data or knowledge on any kind of topics. Federal courts, during the time, have allowed employers a permissions to monitor their worker's email twas deemed owned by a company, hence employees at the time had to have no expectation of privacy as long it was involved with a email of a firm.

       Few studies were not observed that Internets could begin to explode and meddle in the political and legal issues in the societies. After all, many computer networks consisting of 160 countries were consider relentlessly in the media around 1990. Back in 1988, there was this browser known as Morris Worm which had a first attacks on the internet that affected around 60,000 computers around the world.The US Computer Emergency Readiness Team had ceased to find the sum of total attacks that were taking place. The numbers of attack were so huge that the figures became extremely difficult to pursue. It still remained debated issue up till this day. Likewise, computer viruses often caused a high number of damages to the company's share values that would affect the investors.
     In the modern times, internet has allowed for a greater flexibility in the working hours as employees are able to work anywhere from different locations, as employees are able to able their data via servers or mobiles for work purposes without going to the actual locations. Many people have also use the world wide web in order to access news, or any social media related to keep up to date with the current news as it has been a mean that replaces a newspaper, hence save cost. In the modern time, firms have used this to expand their networks in order to serve a bigger market or sell their goods worldwide because once the firms have set up an appropriate websites, customers are able to order the products they are looking for. This brings convenience to the customers as majority of the information have already been set up in the website.

       As for web authorizations, has been administered as way of specifying access rights to information that can be classified as confidential via computer system to particular users. For example, a department manager, could give an authorized access inside the application domain for customer to access the website such as to Lazada. Main resources can also be individual files, computer programs, or functionalities. The access control levels are categorized into a type of phases which are authorized,and a phase which access request can be approved or not. Access control throughout the years have been using the authentication as a method to identify and verify identities. Normally, an employees from companies are authorized if required to access web employee records, in a control system. During this operations, system could use the access control system to access they are granted a permission to access the systems.

        Sometimes, when access can be stay in check under the combination of authentication or access control lists. The disadvantages are often to maintain a certain authorized data which could not be important, and would be perceive as unnecessary to manage authentication credentials. Sometimes the department managers also have to remove authorizations to certain users to protect the data from the outsiders which could steal that information and do unnecessary means such as using the data to steal money from their bank account

Thursday 11 July 2019

The things i like in Malaysia

         The world has  always been filled with many wonderful and lovely people. People have always been trying to mobilize their own discoveries in order to endeavor to make their journeys worth traveling. People will always try to find the best way to find the things they like in order to create a satisfying fulfillment. As there are many beautiful and lovely things to like, it will often be difficult for any person to pick and decide such as finding a great places to travel or satisfaction of trying different foods.

           First of all, i have always been a great care for places and traveling. I have always enjoyed the momentary moments that we are able to derive from the city life. In the usually day, i would try to ask my families or friends to enjoy the happiness moments in certain villages such as a new mall in Twin Tower. I am very anxious to go and look at the different outlets and certain architects that often takes many forms. It often displays a certain affinity for a singular materials that makes the places worth coming. On the outside, it may seem like a futuristic dome however on the inside, there is a majestic dome which could be home to number of  dining and retail outlets, including the tallest indoor water and man-made rain forest. I also love to  travel from places to places in  in order to take my precious gift of life and discover and meet new people and experience a completely different life that i may encounter. It allows me to feel connected to people living in the world especially tourists. This gives us many perspective that could happen in life, allow us to learn and understand the historical moments of the areas that are taking place. Langkawi's white sand beaches are simply places to visit. From its sandy bays to sweeping coastlines, it is loved by locals, foreigners and travelers across the countries. It is surrounded by trendy restaurants and bars. I would try to go there to relieve stress from works. I would often try to find set up an emotional affair with friends in order to build a relationship with friends. This would allow their memories as a souvenir for them to remember in the future and look back.

  Secondly, i have a keen desire to read articles or novels that are originated in Malaysia. It is often the best toolset  that would increase the knowledge that could prove useful to the community. It would usually give me a better insights that would happen in Kuala Lumpur. It is also essential for oneself as they would increase their imagination skills and extend my range of interests. I usually like to bring the novels and read in the peaceful areas in the city such as platinum Sentral. I would also often go to the library and read a novels for 3 hours in the weekend. One of my favourite novel is "KL Noir Sereis". It is comprised of a compilation of a stories that would happen in the Kuala Lumpur's dark side. I find it deeply help to understand the happenings around KL that would assist me to evaluate further to help myself from a possible dangers. Moreover, i would often go the outlets nearby the area in KL to read a newspaper. It often sparks my imaginations as i read and this would help me to create a new and certain possibilities that would arise as i roam around.
           Finally, I am deeply love in trying a variety type of foods that have been a native to a local communities. Eating can be a very pleasurable experiences. I would often invite my friends to eat at a luxurious restaurants to try expensive foods or try different wines. I would normally try to establish a special event in the restaurants by celebrating a momentary birthday party. There is no doubt that i would also prefer to eat at home in order to save money. Eating at home is often comfortable compared to having a dinner in a public place. Similarly, we can ensure that what goes to the meal is often much more healthier compared to eating in the restaurants.

     In conclusion, it has never been a doubtful moments that searching a things i like will provide a clearer goals to find a positive differences that would arise in my life. This allows me to find an affections that i would never foresee unless i try different things in KL. It is never too late to immerse and and try new things. I would know the quality of the moments unless i experience and try them first hand.

Introduction to myself

             My name is Ho Shoaw Tung. I am currently a student at UCSI University studying electrical and electronic engineering in my junior year.  I was born in born in village called Kuching. It is located in the Sarawak state of Malaysia. However i have lived my life and adapted in Brunei Darussalam. It is located on the Northern cost of Island of Borneo.  I would also like to tell something about my family. My family are also from Kuching. My mother is a housewife while my father is working as a general contractor. They are both a nice and friendly people and would often like to talk with new people. They have often support me to ensure that i would achieve my goals in my own way. My educations aspirations could provide me a necessary achievements into attaining a necessary skillls to attain my career goals as firmware engineer or electronic engineer. It has always been my passions ever since when i was still a student in high school in Brunei Darussalam. I am often fascinated by the systems that are running in an electronic devices which are often run under the abstract layers which are created by software. On the other hand, it could also allow me to achieve my career visions that would improve communities standard of lives such as mobile phones, vehicles. In my own time, i would often try to find a time to play games and watch movies. Sometimes, i would go out and hang with my friends in order to pass the time.


Five sentences in your native language and translate into English

Five sentences in my native language and translate into English 我想吃 = i want to eat 明天会有活动=there will be event tomorrow 你好吗?= how are you...